Welcome to Abbey Hill URC
Interested in what Abbey Hill URC has been up to recently? Explore our past events, dating back to 2013, to see all the activities we've been involved in!
– April 2022
Refreshments and Various Stalls were held at Abbey Hill on Saturday 9th April 2022.

Junior Church Service
- December 2016
The story of Christmas was told with a twist. The children told the story and the adults ‘acted’. Each year the Brownies and Guides join us as well reciting their own readings and acts.

100 Nativity Sets Exhibition
- December 2014
What a wonderful exhibition, made up of 102 items borrowed from John & Marjorie Carrier and 23 from Abbey Hill members. Every visitor, Child or adult, was surprised by the variety and extent of the exhibition.

Coffee Pot in the Garden
– July 2016
It was a lovely morning and as well as enjoying ourselves eating cakes and drinking coffee we raised £130 for the Leamington Night Shelter.

Celebrating 50 years as an Organist
A special service was held on Sunday 20th September 2015 to celebrate the long service Bob Watson has given to Abbey Hill as our Organist.
Stories were told about Bob and members of the congregation told of what they were doing 50 years ago when Bob started as an Organist.
After the service during coffee a special cake was produced for all to enjoy!

- June 2013
Emily Jessica was baptised on Sunday 16th June 2016 by her Grandfather in front of a packed congregation.

Coronation Lunch
- June 2013
Over 50 people attended a lunch to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the coronation on Sunday 2nd June 2013.
The menu was Coronation Chicken and salad with a huge selection of desserts and cupcakes for afters.

Induction Weekend
- January 2013
Over 170 people from as far away as Scotland braved the snow and ice to reach Abbey Hill in time for the Induction Service. Revd Roy Lowes, Moderator of the West Midland Synod, presided over the service.
The address was given by Revd Dr John Campbell who had been the Principal of Northern College, Manchester when Mhari was training there. His message to Mhari and Abbey Hill Fellowship was:
Be Honest with each other for God
Take risks in what you do with God
Don’t be boring and normal – seize God’s moment
After the service, the congregation made their way into the schoolrooms and devoured the waiting repast with much friendly chatter.
Mhari turned up bright and early next morning to take the Sunday service. Afterwards she followed everyone into the hall for coffee and found waiting a huge cake waiting for her. Whilst it was being served, Junior Church Children presented her with a ‘Welcome’ card which contained all their photos.
That evening Mhari turned out again to help escort the Churches-Together-in-Kenilworth Lantern to the Elim Church and then to St Nicholas where she handed it over as part of the Week of Christian Unity Service.
Then more coffee and at last all home to rest after a very eventful weekend.

New Year Party
- May 2013
50 Adults and Children turned out for our New Year Party in January. Everyone joined in the fun and games and enjoyed a super feast. More Photos in Gallery

Coffee Pot in Full Swing
- August 2021
Now that the covid regulations have relaed more people are attending Coffee Pot. The Church is an ideal place to have it and the new equipment works very well. We are open every Thursday morning from 9.30 to 11.30. All are weelcome to this friendly social event.

Find The Sheep
- December 2016
Children we need you. The shepherd wants to visit baby Jesus but need your help to find his lost sheep. The sheep are hiding in shop windows. Follow the map and find the names of the sheep.
Entry forms and details from King’s Table or the Library OR download the forms here: https://kenilworthabbeyhillurc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/sheep1609-form.docx

Coffee Morning
– March 2014
Abbey Hill hosted a Coffee Morning to raise funds for the Flower Festival in October. It was very well attended, the cake and raffle stalls were kept very busy.
The amount raised was £331.

The Nativity in Kenilworth
– December 2013
Churches Together in Kenilworth! We thought that it would be a good idea if the Christmas Story was told at the 'Lights Switch On' in Kenilworth.
There was much to compete against with fair rides, food stalls and loud music but an audience did gather especially in the High Street where many children watched.

Junior Church Christmas Service
- December 2013
Junior Church with some help from the Brownies and Guides told a story showing how the Manger can be pushed out of sight at Christmas.

New Doors
– July 2014
Visitors enjoy their free cream tea on our community Day when we invited all to view the new doors, see the church and enjoy a cream tea. This was very well attended.
The congregation were invited to move outside the Church for the dedication to the new doors.
Our Ministers, Mhari McLintock and George Jones led the service.
Peter Muckersie cut the ribbon supervised by John McKenzie.

Breakfast Hike - May 2013
20 keen walkers rose early on Sunday 19th June to walk to Kenilworth Castle starting at 7.30 a.m.. It was a beautiful morning, blue sky, warm sunlight, birds singing and many flowers on display. On completion of the walk a cooked breakfast was served in the garden and enjoyed by all. £125 was raised for Christian Aid

Junior Church Service
- May 2013
Junior Church led a lively Parade Service on Sunday 9th December 2013 with the help of Brownies and Guides and the whole congregation.